+36 20 404 58 07
9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Pacsirta utca 1.

Our town

The town of Mosonmagyaróvár is situated at the crossing point of the rivers Mosoni-Danube and Lajta, at about 34 km from Bratislava and 84 km from Vienna.

Mosonmagyaróvár was already known in the Roman age as a watch-post along the limes under the Latin name Ad Flexum. After the Conquest it was used as a reeve-site, later it became a shire town.

Óvári vár - Mosonmagyaróvár

The Fort of Óvár is a construction with an irregular quadratic ground-plan built in the 13th century upon the ruins of the Roman settlement and reconstructed several times since then. In 1818 an agricultural-type high level educational institution was founded in the fort by Prince Albert Casimir of Saxony-Teschen, the son-in-law of Queen Maria Theresa of the House of Habsburg. The university of today to be found in the fort (the Western-Hungarian University’s Department of Agriculture and Food Industry) is its legal successor.


The main adornment of the Fő Street is the so-called Cselley-house. In the building with even Gothic marks, there is the Hansági Regional Museum housing an arts and crafts exhibition, the Gyurkovics-Collection, and in the wagon-vaulted cellar, a ‘lapidarium’ (ancient stone collection) from the Roman age.

Szent János plébániatemplom

The parish-church St. John of Nepomuk in Moson is a building in Baroque style built in the middle of the 18th century. In front of the church the sculpture of King St. Stephen was inaugurated on 20th of August 2000, on the Millennium Memorial Day.

Nepomuki Szent János szobor

On the Deák Square stands the Baroque statue erected in 1744 for Saint John of Nepomuk.

városháza - Mosonmagyaróvár

Az 1924-ig vármegyeháza, a mai városháza, 1892-ben épült neoreneszánsz stílusban.

Szt. Gotthárd plébániatemplom

In the Magyar Street – pedestrian street – stands the Saint Gotthard parishchurch built in the 18th century. The crypt of the church is the burying-place of Archduke Friedrich of Austria, member of the House of Habsburg and his wife.

Hansági Múzeum

The Hansági Museum that is one of the first founded museums in the country stands opposite to the Town Hospital.

1956-os forradalom emlékmű

The Gyásztér (Mourning Square) is in Ipartelep. On this square there is a symbolic cemetery with a three-figure monument to the memory of the victims died in a volley of shots during the 1956 revolution.